Preparing for the trip

Captain Jerry has been making the final preparations to North Star, our 32 foot Cape Island down east trawler. We are anxious to leave our landlubber lives behind and begin our long awaited journey around the Great Circle. Join us as we travel 10, 000 kilometers: through the historic Trent Severn Waterway; the pristine waters of Georgian Bay; the North Channel of lake Huron; and hop from beach to beach on lake Michigan. We will visit Chicago and begin our trek along the rivers: Illinois; upper Mississippi; Ohio; Cumberland: Tennessee; Tenn-Tom Waterway and the Black Warrior. We will have transited through 68 locks at this juncture. We have chosen the inner route from Mobile Alabama to Tarpon Springs Florida and the shorter Ocheechobee Waterway to reach the East coast of Florida. We will skip over to the Bahamas to wait out the winter before heading North on the Atlantic Inter Coastal Waterway.
The 10 years of researching and planning are finally at an end and we invite you to come along on our adventure.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Osprey Marina

It rained most of the day yesterday and the temperature stayed in the low 60s so I stayed in and completed and filed our income tax. I have finally stepped into the new millennium and efiled. What was I waiting for? It is so easy and free! Jerry changed the oil and puttered around.  The sun came out at 3;00 yesterday and today is a perfect day in the high 70s.
Clean marina
This marina is nice and clean but in the middle of nowhere. We thought we could ride our bikes to Wal Mart since it is only 8 miles away but it is all highway so not bike friendly.  We did ride up to a store where we picked up cheap beer.  We stopped at a yard sale along the way but as always, we are just looking. No room for anything else on this boat.
We have complimentary breakfast and coffee in the morning and chat with the transients that come through. There is a TV so we are actually getting some news and weather reports.  We see that it is still too cold to head north so we will dilly dally down here for a few more weeks.
Nice large vessels
There are some goats on the property and a horse ranch up the road, this must be farm country. It is very peaceful and quiet with very few transients.

Bird houses

Goats rush to the fence when we walk by

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