Preparing for the trip

Captain Jerry has been making the final preparations to North Star, our 32 foot Cape Island down east trawler. We are anxious to leave our landlubber lives behind and begin our long awaited journey around the Great Circle. Join us as we travel 10, 000 kilometers: through the historic Trent Severn Waterway; the pristine waters of Georgian Bay; the North Channel of lake Huron; and hop from beach to beach on lake Michigan. We will visit Chicago and begin our trek along the rivers: Illinois; upper Mississippi; Ohio; Cumberland: Tennessee; Tenn-Tom Waterway and the Black Warrior. We will have transited through 68 locks at this juncture. We have chosen the inner route from Mobile Alabama to Tarpon Springs Florida and the shorter Ocheechobee Waterway to reach the East coast of Florida. We will skip over to the Bahamas to wait out the winter before heading North on the Atlantic Inter Coastal Waterway.
The 10 years of researching and planning are finally at an end and we invite you to come along on our adventure.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Bustard Islands

What a beautiful day we had yesterday.  The weather was perfect but we still opted for the more scenic small craft route that winds through the rock and trees. We had some more hairpin turns that look too small for our boat but we made it.  We saw a mother bear and her cub but they were a little too far off for a picture.  There are less cottages now and we only saw a few little fishing boats.  We thought we were the only people out here until we reached the Bustard Islands. This is evidently a favourite anchorage for many folks.  There are 38 power boats anchored in the bay next to us and we are with the 4 sailors (N45 53.775' and W080 54.300').  One couple who came to chat caught a good size pike but Jerry had no luck.
We have seen many loons, some cormorants, gulls, osprey and terns and the odd beaver.  I was expecting more wild life and birds.
Today we are leaving early to do a 2 hour open water crossing.  The wind is light out of the south east so we are good to go. We are headed to Collins Inlet so to morrow will be inland water again.

We need a smaller boat for this turn

Everyone anchors and explores the Bustard Islands by dinghy

Sunset at the Bustards

Turns out we were not alone on the water

Going fishing

1 comment:

  1. T'would appear that the beard is getting longer and Loved the pic of the sunset. Is it too hot for you yet? We can't seem to get above 22C. Wish the clouds would go away.
